Advocacy for a clean energy future
The Colorado Nuclear Alliance began in 2023, inspired by our state’s energy transition and the growing support for nuclear energy around the world.
Colorado has the opportunity to lead the country in demonstrating that communities supported by coal power today can thrive after coal plants are shuttered. The transition to nuclear energy provides high-paying jobs and bolsters local economies.
Join us in shaping a brighter, carbon-free tomorrow for Colorado.
Why nuclear energy?
Nuclear power plants produce electricity without emitting greenhouse gases, making them key in combating climate change. Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear energy doesn't contribute to air pollution, ensuring cleaner air for generations to come. Those clouds you see coming out of the huge hyperbolic cooling towers? They’re just that: water vapor.
Nuclear power plants do more than provide energy; they're integral parts of local communities. They create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and contribute to local infrastructure development. Moreover, many nuclear facilities prioritize community engagement, fostering partnerships that enhance education, health, and quality of life for residents.
Contrary to popular belief, nuclear energy produces very little waste. In fact, the waste from an entire lifetime of energy use would fit in a single soda can! Advanced technologies can also enable recycling and reuse of nuclear fuel, minimizing environmental impact and maximizing resource efficiency.
Nuclear energy stands the test of time. With proper maintenance and modernization, nuclear power plants can operate for decades, providing a stable and consistent energy supply. Unlike intermittent renewables, nuclear power is always on, ensuring continuous electricity production to meet the growing demands of our society.
Concerns about radiation often overshadow the reality of nuclear energy. In truth, nuclear power plants adhere to stringent safety protocols, ensuring minimal radiation exposure for both workers and the public. To put things in perspective, the radiation from nuclear facilities is comparable to the natural radioactivity found in everyday items like bananas. With rigorous safety measures in place, nuclear energy remains one of the safest forms of power generation.
Our Vision
To create a reliable and abundant clean energy future for Colorado.
Our Mission
Improve the public’s understanding of the crucial role nuclear energy must play in a prosperous, resilient, and carbon-free Colorado.